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Vandalism Hurts

Recently, photos came to light from a blogger/influencer with 100K+ followers vandalizing a slot canyon in a Lake Powell (Glen Canyon) slot canyon. This is a huge concern as it promotes this to thousands of people that this behavior is 1) OK and 2) Something to do for engagement. Sadly, public lands have been seeing a massive spike in vandalism such as rock and tree carving, litter and unattended fires over the past few years. Vandalism hurts. It hurts the land and it hurts those of us who enjoy it. To put it in simple terms:

It's Selfish:
Vandalism of nature takes away from the experience of others. Putting “your mark” degrades the natural beauty of an area.
If the vandalism is bad enough, areas are closed or restricted and we all lose access.
It's Damaging
“Graffiti is vandalism, and is extremely difficult to remove. Repair of vandalized sites, if possible, is costly and time consuming, and often cannot restore the site to its former condition.”
It's Illegal
Does this need more of an explanation? Vandalism can lead to fines, restitution and other consequences.
For example: 
You Can Help!
“You can help protect our treasured public lands. If you see something suspicious in any NPS location, stay safe and tell us about it. Talk to any NPS employee for help in reporting suspicious activity, or give the Special Agents of the NPS Investigative Services Branch @specialagent_NPS”
The photo of False Kiva at the start is a perfect example of the larger consequences that take place when a location is vandalized. False Kiva, though never on any official map, became very popular through social media and is now closed indefinitely in a hope of preserving the area. 

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